
Is CryptoTab Legit? We Tried it and Here’s What Happened


CryptoTab is a browser extension that claims to allow users to mine Bitcoin while they browse the internet. At first glance, it seems too good to be true – can you really earn Bitcoin by simply browsing the web? We tried it out ourselves to see if CryptoTab is legit.

The Setup

Installing CryptoTab is simple – it’s a browser extension available for Chrome, Firefox, and other popular browsers. Once installed, a small icon appears on the browser tab, indicating that mining is in progress.

To start mining, users simply have to click the “Mine” button on the CryptoTab dashboard. From there, the extension performs a quick check to make sure the user’s computer is compatible with the software.

Once the check is complete, the mining process begins. It’s important to note that mining takes up a significant amount of computer resources, so users may experience slower load times or lag while mining is in progress.

The Earnings

CryptoTab claims that users can earn up to 0.5 Bitcoin per month by using the extension. It’s important to note, however, that this is dependent on the computer’s processing power and the amount of time spent mining.

We ran CryptoTab on a laptop with average processing power for approximately two weeks. During that time, we earned a total of 0.000076 BTC, which is roughly equivalent to $0.84 USD at the time of writing.

While this is a small amount, it’s important to remember that CryptoTab is not meant to be a primary source of income. It’s a passive way to earn a small amount of Bitcoin while browsing the internet.

The Verdict

So, is CryptoTab legit? Yes, it is. It’s a legitimate browser extension that allows users to earn a small amount of Bitcoin while they browse. However, it’s important to remember that this is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Users won’t earn large amounts of Bitcoin by using CryptoTab, but it’s a fun and passive way to earn a small amount of cryptocurrency.

One thing worth noting is that CryptoTab does not provide any information about the fees or charges associated with using the extension. It’s unclear whether there are any hidden costs involved in using CryptoTab, so users should be aware of this before installing the extension.

Overall, CryptoTab is a legitimate and fun way to earn a small amount of Bitcoin while browsing the internet. It’s not a primary source of income, but it’s a great way to dip your toes into the world of cryptocurrency.

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